Monday, November 29, 2010


Weather in Lake Tahoe was forecasted to rain and snow. Since it was our only free time to drive up there before work week starts, we decided to push through with the day trip. We wanted to take Paolo and Rafael to see snow for the first time. The forecast was spot on. Heavy rain and snow greeted us on our way up. Traffic halted to a stop due to cars putting on their tire chains. There were strict signs of turning back cars without 4WD or tire chains. It was white all around. Temps dropped to 28 degrees.

Rafael of course didn't care. When we stopped at The Sierra, one of the popular ski resorts, he was ecstatic to touch and walk on snow for the first time. He lied down, rolled over, slid...all in half an hour at the Sierra. We wanted to stay longer but knew that it would take a while for us to drive back.

Some snaps:

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