Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our First Tree

In the 3 years that Angel and I have been married, we've never gotten a fresh Christmas tree for our home. Aside from our limited space, we normally spent Christmas with family that we didn't find a need to decorate much. This year is different. It still floors us to think that we're actually here in the bay area. We used to drive or fly just to spend Christmas with family but now, they're all just a few minutes drive away.

Back to the tree. A week after thanksgiving, we set out to get our first fresh Christmas tree. Angel, Rafael, Paolo and I drove to Pinole to pick out the perfect one for our humble home. It didn't take us long. We picked one that was a little over 6 feet high. I was prepared to get dirty to carry the tree all the way to the parking and mount to the car's roof. But no. They actually do everything for you now. They even tie it up themselves. How convenient.

His eyes says a lot. "If you know what's good for you, don't lay a hand on my tree."

Paolo and I were ready to get our hands dirty

"Let's get this over with.."

We borrowed Rafael's corner...this is his spot when he's not in his best behavior..

Rafael insists on helping out...

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