Monday, August 9, 2010

Reyes Visit Part 1

I can't believe that it's been more than a month already since my last post. Not that there's nothing going on. In fact, there's so much happening that I haven't had time to download photos I've taken. But the past weekend definitely deserves to be posted.

The past weekend, we had the pleasure of seeing good friends from Socal. Mike and Lyndee together with their adorable daughter and our goddaughter Annika, came over for the weekend. She's grown so fast and surprised us with her antics. She sings and speaks really well.

On Saturday, we went to the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. We've heard a lot of good things about it that we decided to save it til the Reyes' visit. We were not disappointed. The place had almost limitless exhibits that one short day is not enough to see everything. A totally awesome place to see for just about anyone

Here are some photos:

Just before we left the house

Golden Gate Park on our way to the Academy of Sciences

Check out how serious Rafael is while Annika is making faces...

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