Saturday, June 26, 2010

China Town

The weather was perfect. Sunny with a cool breeze. We met up with Ed at Emeryville and we took one car to San Francisco's version of China Town located just literally a block away from Ed's office.

The effects of the recession did not spare this restaurant which had been here since 1864 but recently closed.

The famous Transamerica Pyramid.

The old US Mint in San Francisco

Mom of some Chinese kid

A better shot of Banksy's art.
Gra'ma seriously contemplating what to buy...

Interior of the Old Saint Mary's Cathedral. Destroyed by the 1906 earthquake, it was once the tallest structure in San Francisco.
The exterior of the church with some tourists fresh off the boat.
How can you go wrong with $1.99 shirts? Actually you can. A few stores down is a store that sells shirts for $1.88.

Something about this photo worried me for a second =)

Rafael wanted to jump into this cable car. His excitement of seeing a real cable car shows on the side of his face.

Hole-in-the-wall dim sum place. Siomai and pork BBQ bread was good!! Strolling with Ninong Edwin.

If you ever looked for directions in Google maps and provided with almost-real-time photos of a location, vehicles like this one, provide the dynamic content but for a different website . Mounted on the van are multiple cameras.
Ok, if there ever was a doubt about the value of this China Town trip, this haircut easily dispels it. Haircut for $5!!!! Rafael and I got one. And just to let y'all know, our haircut didn't look anything like a $5 haircut. Looked like $3. Kidding. You wouldn't know the difference with a $2o haircut.
We were impressed at how behaved Rafael was.

Italian flag in North Beach.

This was purely a coincidence. Check out that lady behind Rafael.

Chicken feet!!

no idea what this is but sure looks nasty!
122 years old!
This building easily stood out.

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