Thursday, June 3, 2010


One of the really nice things about moving here is that we get to spend time with both our families often. It used to take a lot of planning and scheduling just to drive up here or for them to drive down. Now, all it takes is one simple email to plan a weekend.

This was one of those weekends. Bil came over early to install her tent for Rafael. The moment it was completely set up, Rafael brought all his toys from inside the house to the tent as if he was actually going to move out and live in the tent.

It was actually pretty warm inside so Gra'ma loved it even more.

A nice one taken by Angel

After lunch, we got into talking about this artist that Ed had read about. His name is Banksy, a graffiti artist believed to have been born in England. He is not just some graffiti artist in that his work is usually satirical though not spoken but through his art. What makes him interesting is that, no one really knows how he looks like. He travels all over the world and picks important locations and spots where he does his art.

A few weeks ago, San Francisco was graced by his presence with a couple of his graffiti spotted around downtown SF. So after our big burger lunch, we all decided to check them out.

The first two are in Mission

By Valencia in Chinatown

If ever you're in downtown, you can check out the locations in this youtube video. One was actually painted over already by the owner of the property (if he only knew the value of his property now!).

We all then drove to Ghirardelli as we craved for some really good ice cream. Weather was chilly but hey, who can resist their dark chocolate or coffee ice cream?

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