Friday, June 4, 2010


For days he said this word which we had no idea what it meant. In the few months since he started to utter words, we had somehow developed an ear for baby talk and usually we could tell right away what he means. But "tet'ul" was just beyond us. Whenever we would ask him what it means, he would just laugh.

Then it happened, he said it again and just like before, he laughed when we asked. Then the words he said next just floored us. First he said: "fish". Then he said: "dofin". Ok dolphin. Then he said: "tetul". TURTLE!!! I was like: "did that just happen?". Did he really say fish and dolphin so we could tell what he means by tet'ul? Ok so maybe that was a fluke but I gotta admit, I felt like he had just gotten a medal in school or a trophy in basketball! But then again, maybe we were just really slow =)

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