Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No Thanks!

"Ayaw eat. Ayaw Daddy. Ayaw take a bath". Rafael has developed this habit of saying "ayaw" (tagalog word for "I don't like") to, well, things or people he does not want at a particular time. We used to think this was ok. At least he's able to express his dislike and we can react or respond better to his needs. We realized however that this doesn't sit well with people to whom he expresses his dislike to. Sometimes, I feel bad when he says "ayaw Daddy" though i know he doesn't mean that he hates my guts (but that could very well be a possibility) but just prefers to be with his Mom at certain times. So today, on our way home from the BART station where we picked up Angel, he again said: "ayaw Mommy". That is when Angel told him in her usual calm voice that it is not good to say "ayaw" but he could just say "No thanks", instead. At least he'll still be able to express his dislike but in a less negative-sounding tone.

On a more positive note, another habit that he's picked up is that he loves to be tucked before he takes a nap or goes to bed at night. He also loves to press his back against your chest (which means you have to be lying down in bed with him) while his hand lightly touches your ear. Whenever he does this, I in turn, cannot resist planting my nose in his neck or nape to tickle him until he can no longer take it. So tonight, as I tucked him to bed and did his ritual, I planted my nose deep into his neck to which he laughed so hard and said: "No thanks!"

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