Thursday, May 6, 2010

Abastillas Family

A few weeks ago, I got a surprise text from an old friend. I've known Mark since high school. We lived not too far from each other in Loyola Heights in Quezon City so we often carpooled to work as well after college. When I moved to CA, I would occassionally get a call from him as he travels to the U.S.for his work at Northwest Airlines.

He texted me that he's in town with his wife Hellene and their two kids Yanna and Chloe. I invited them over for lunch here at home. It's been a while since I've seen their kids. They seem all grown up. Yanna is turning 9 and Chloe is 7.

Rafael seemed shy the first time they saw them. Noon is usually his naptime so he wasn't his accomodating self. He started to warm up when I told him to show Yanna and Chloe his toys. He was eager to show off his new Diesel Engine train. They also brought out their new McDonald's kit and they instantly hit it off.

To the Abastillases, thanks for coming over. Rafael sure had a fun time. He even remembers Yanna and Chloe up to now.

Chloe and Yanna.

Mark and family with Rafael and I.

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