Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sunday in Pasadena

Last Sunday, we went to visit an Uncle in Pasadena. 'Ato' or Renato Gra'ma's youngest brother is a superb chef - though not by profession but a great family chef anyway. He inherited most of 'Inang's' recipe and modified it himself.

We got there about a quarter before 1 in the afternoon and were starving. 'Ato prepared pinatisan, binagoongan, buro with nilagang ampalaya and talong. We had leche flan and ube halaya for dessert and freshly cooked chicharon for merienda. It makes me hungry just describing what we had.

Vince, my cousin Cristy's son, took a while to warm up to Rafael but once he did, he just wanted to play. He loves posing for pictures. Here are a few taken from Sunday.

Just having fun with Cousin Vince!


flash was too bright!

Now, 'tis what am talkin 'bout!

On our way home from Pasadena, Gra'ma got this pimpin' truck for Rafael. He has this affinity for anything round and so this truck's wheels fascinated him.

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