Friday, January 30, 2009

Daddy's Day Off

It's been a while since I've really watched Rafael for most part of the day. In his first few months, we were assured of at least 2x per week of bonding time as I worked and took care of him at the same time at home. Since he's gotten more active and often awake (2 naps during the day is considered a good day), it is impossible to get anything else done. So today, I cherished the time I spent with him. He was a bit irritable though and we could only attribute this to more teeth growing in his mouth.

I grabbed the opportunity to take a few photos of him. It is getting harder to take decent photos of him as he moves around so much. Increasing the shutter speed won't get me enough light so I just try to capture the times when he pauses.

Whenever he hangs on to a cellphone, when you say: "Hello?", he almost automatically puts the phone by his ear.

Seriously tinkering with the phone. In case you're wondering, this was taken underneath the dining table which he has made his second residence. He often crawls under and tries to grab anything he can get his hands on.

His attention is fixed on Oswald



Caught in the act...


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