Sunday, January 9, 2011

Paulo's Birthday

We had originally planned to take Paulo out to lunch at Bucca de Beppo in downtown San Francisco for a change. The past few gatherings have always been held here at home so we thought we'd celebrate Paulo's birthday someplace else. Pau, however had something different in mind. Something more special. He suggested that we check out the food trucks located by Valencia in San Francisco. Edwin also suggested we go on a mini treasure hunt of Banksy's street art. We only managed to find 3 of them.

First we hit China Town.

Saw this store selling LP's in Market St.

Finally found the food trucks located by Valencia. There were 4 different ones. The Filipino one was by far the most popular.

Paulo in front of a Marijuana Dispensary located just beside the food trucks.

It might as well have been called Ke-Tama

Another one of Banksy's in Mission St.

A closer look.

This one is by the more crowded part of Mission

We drove past this SFPD Bomb Squad in traffic

In search of another one of Banksy's but couldn't find it.

We went out to dinner at night when Angel got back from work

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